I love this site. It has everything I adore about the internet--user-submitted content, horrific images produced unintentionally, and a celebration of embarrassing, unplanned moments. What's not to love?
Awkward Family Photos
I found it via BBC via today's Since You Asked column by Cary Tennis on Salon.com. I've been reading Cary's columns since the late 1990s and he is a brilliant writer and someone who has been through much and learned from it. I really admire him and adore his writing voice, which is simultaneously smart, real, literate and empathetic. Good stuff. I can't believe how long he has been doing this column (with breaks for serious life-threatening illness). He took it over after Garrison Keillor stopped writing his Ask Mr. Blue column for Salon, back in the day (as they say).
In honor of Awkward Family Photos I'm including my own awkward self-portrait. Call it "SCMY as TinTin, or My Hair After a Night in New Orleans."
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