Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Garden Assessment, August 2011

This year I had more time to garden but my results were less than stellar. That said, I experimented with a lot of new plants and methods so perhaps a mixed result is simply the result of my semi-scientific method.
Here's the scoop:
2011 Successes
-brandywine tomato: that sucker has grown into the tree and finally has lots of fruit on it
-san marzano and burpee longkeeper tomatoes: these have done gangbusters
-perennial border: hostas, coral bells, a hydrangea, perennial geranium, toad lily. looks good and my first hosta transplants have done well.
-grass: between tree roots, dogs and overall dryness makes it very hard to grow grass here but we've increased our grass footprint a lot this year. I think a lot of the success is due to straw as grass seed insulation.
-got rid of horrible bamboo (mostly)
-staking and twine "florida weave" system for tomatoes

2011 "Failures" aka Learning Experiences:
-patty pan squash--vine got sick and had to pull, leaving half of raised bed unused (bummer!)
-backyard raised bed--too weedy and buggy an area, not enough sun. am converting to shade/sun perennial bed.
-growing heirloom tomatoes--too much work, not enough fruit
-tomatoes from seed--put my schedule back too far. only 3 plants made it through transfer stage. I still am awaiting ripe fruit from most of my plants. This makes me nervous because we need a couple of hot hot days for them to finish up.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Had a good week in Traverse City. Loved some of the films I saw, esp. If a Tree Falls, Windfall, Fordson. Ate pretty well and got to hang at the Grand Traverse Commons. I so wish I lived in this old sanitarium. It's beautiful and has such wonderful trees and grounds and peacefulness.
Garden is cranking along. My squashes mostly died but the butternut is still giving it a go. Tomatoes are going crazy but I'm disappointed in the Pruden's Purple, which is all growth and no fruit. The San Marzano is a winner and two of my tomatoes from seed--the burpee's long keeper and roma, are laden with fruit.
I've been thinking a lot about balance (life out of). I hope if I get more balance, some of my chronic health issues might flare up less. To that end, I'm loving Kombucha lately. I'm sure it is some kind of magic beans thing but I do feel better when I drink it. I'm also meeting with a fitness person this week. And I want to take an art class in the fall. Something non-school related!
Winston had another seizure on Sunday, which scares me. On Thursday it will be the seventh anniversary of our meeting: true love.

Gearing up for Superheroes

I'm excited about my fall courses--it's been too long since I got to do my superheroes and cyborgs course on Virtuality and Digital Identity. Gawd I should do a course on Roleplaying and Everyday Life. It's everywhere.
That would be an exciting class to plan--very interdisciplinary--novels, games, films, etc.